Sun is the parent of the entire solar system. It is also called the Father of the Stars . It is the Nearest star to the earth and is about 93 million miles away from our Mother Earth. It is the largest among the planets, belonging to the solar system. It is nearly 750 times larger than all the planets put together. Its diameter is about 110 times that of the earth and is nearly 27,19,000 miles in circumference. Scientists say that it is not a solid mass, but they are of the opinion that it is composed of gaseous matter in a series of layers which send out cool and positive magnetic rays which meet one of the negative quality on earth, and that thereby both heat and light are developed. These waves affect likewise all other planets belonging to the solar system. The variationin the intensity depends on many factors.The sun-spots are active for a period of 11 years and are passive for the succeeding years. (Details about the sun-spots will be discussed in later issues.)
Being the centre of all life, force and energy and the giver of Prana, Sun is worshipped as Sun God. It is held in high esteem. At least thrice daily, Sun is prayed for by the Hindus. Every Sunday SURYA-NAMASKAR’ is done by many persons to regain the lost vitality and eye-sight. Other nations also pay reverence to Sun It is said to represent the Creator, the Brahma, with his four faces to have a survey of all the four directions causing four seasons and the four elements, namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Sundays (otherwise called Sabbath, meaning wise teacher) are given holidays probably to worship Him. Sunday is also put at the head of all the seven days of the week.
Westerners call the Sun, Apollo. They consider that Sun is the son of Jupiter and Latona. Apollo is the brother of Diana. He is adored by the Greeks. The swan and the raven are said to be Apollo’s birds Hindus have conceived the Sun as ever moving in a chariot drawn by seven horses. This is probably because in the Sun are contained all the seven colours of the solar spectrum (VIBGYOR). They say that Sun goes round the mount Meru daily. Whenever Sun enters into certain significant signs, the Hindus perform some religious function on those days to satisfy the departed soul and also offer prayers to Sun God. One such occasion is at the time when Sun crosses the fixed Nirayana Vernal Equinox and enters Aries so that the people in the North Pole could see him after a continous night extending to six months. This is called Vishu or Tamil New Year’s Day. The next occasion is on or around July 17 when Sun reaches the mothers most declination (twenty three degrees twenty seven minutes from the celestial equator) and begins its southern course. It is called Dakshinayana. The next occasion when they perform the religious rites falls when Sun during its southern course reaches the Autumnal Equinox which is the beginning of Libra or Thulam. Three months later, when Sun reaches the southernmost declination in the south and just when he commences the Northern course, all Hindus irres pective of caste or creed uniformly celebrate this day It is called Sankranthi. Thus the Sun has come to occupy an important place in the Hindu Pantheon. The greatest Astrologer Varahamihira worshipped only Sun God and shed an imperishable lustre among the nine gems in the court of King Vikramaditya.
The Sun takes exactly one year to go round the ecliptic. It has only the direct motion. Never does it retrograde. Also there is no latitude to Sun.
Sun stands to us as a symbol of spirit. Hindus consider that Sun is the soul of Kalapurusha. (The Moon is his mind; Budha or Mercury his speech; Kuja or Mars his strength; Jupiter or Guru his know ledge and happiness, Venus or Shukra bis desire or lust; Saturn is his misery, etc. It is said that the several constituents of Kalapurusha are either strong or weak according to the strength of the planets representing them. Only Saturn is exempted. Whenever Saturn is weak, misery will be much greater and will predominate. But if Saturn is strong there will be less of misery. All these effects are felt only in their respective periods.) For all living beings, Sun represents the positive and primal fount whereas Moon represents the negative influence. Sun is constructive and creative while Moon is preserving and formative. Sun is the father and Moon is the mother. Therefore Sun is the symbol of spirit and Moon is that of matter, both acting as life and form. That is why the zodiac which is divided into 12 signs are in their nature alternately positive and negative or masculine and feminine.
The Sun and Moon are considered to be the sovereigns. Whereas Guru or Jupiter and Shukra or Venus are the counsellors or ministers, Budha or Mercury is their heir or the young prince, Kuja or Mars is the commander-in-chief and Saturn or Sani is the slave or the servant. Sun is the king and Moon is the queen. Venus is considered to be the wife of Jupiter and the adviser
Other names of Sun are: Adhithya, Arka, Aruna, Bhanu, Dhinakaran for Dhinakaran, Heli, Pusha, Ravi, Surya and Thapana.
Sun’s govern
Sun and Moon are the two luminaries as they both emit light and make everything bright. The Sun possesses a form with dark red eyes. Realising that it is the Sun which pours forth his spirit and it is the one planet which gives life to one and all, Chaldeans worshipped the Sun with great love and devotion. The Sun offers us the power of resistance and vitality. It governs the inspiration and expiration, i.e., breath of life. Also, it rules over our consciousness and denotes the individuality whereas the form and personality are attributed to the moon. Sun gives the force and self-will and makes one determined and decisive.
Sun is a dry, masculine, positive and hot planet. He is Agni Devatha’ and is fiery by nature. He rules the direction East and (of the six Rithus) Grishma which includes the months June and July. The colour of the Sun is orange or Kanakambaram. He rules the metal Gold and also Copper.
Sun represents the Father of the native. In the woman’s chart it indicates her husband. In service it shows the master, of the administrative head or the Government. In games, it stands for the captain or the leader.
Physical Features
People with Sun as ruling planet born either on a Sunday or in Leo-Simha Lagna or with Sun in the Ascendant will have honey coloured eyes. The face will be large and round. The hair and the colour of the body will have a light shade
Physical body
Sun rules the heart. So also the sign which Sun governs, Leo-Simha denotes the heart of the Kalapurusha. It also represents the right eye in man and left eye in woman. The mouth, spleen, throat and brain are also indicated by Sun.
Sun when afflicted will cause defects in the heart or in the eye-sight during the conjoined period of the Sun and the afflicting planet. Satura afflicting the Sun causes low blood pressure whereas Jupiter afflicting the Sun produces high blood pressure. Mars afflicting Sun causes haemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, etc. The constitution will be overheated and bilious. It also denotes cerebral meningitis, eruptions of the face, loss of speech as a result of cerebral affection, i.e., aphasia, sharp fevers, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile comp laints, sun-stroke, scorches and disease in the head.
When Sun is not afflicted but is strong and beneficial it offers sterling qualities. It offers real love towards everything and everybody. It fosters universal love. Devotion to God will be sincere and steady. There will be inspiration and intuition. Activity and authority are the beneficial results of Sun. Steadiness, soundness and solidarity in the avocation are due to Sun. It indicates one’s self-aquisition. One will not mind making strenuous efforts, roaming over mountains, undertaking travels and taking all pains to gain bis objective. Maximum labour and minimum wages are also attributed to Sun. Strong Sun in a favourable sign offers strong will. The native will have a cheerful outlook towards life and enjoy good fortune. He should not however be too frank and outspoken. He has to cultivate caution and secretiveness. Sun gives power to rise far above the status in which he is born. It gives a magnetic quality and ambition. Sun’s subjects are tireless workers. They should however avoid bossing over others. They should not be over-ambitious lest they should feel discontented or unhappy. Those who have a strong. Sun and seek favour from anybody, should go directly without sending an agent since the magnetic radiation of the Sun is carried with them and the person sought out cannot refuse to grant the request. By exercising self-control and limiting bis ambition, he will enjoy the good-will and the esteem of the people in powerful positions and also from the public. Similarly, high government officials can enjoy life and earn the good- will of the public.
Beneficial sun gives ambition, boldness, brilliance, capacity to command, dignity, energy, elevation in rank, faith, fame, grace, generosity, health, hope, happiness, individuality, influence, joy, kind heart, kindly appearance, loyalty, magnanimity, nobility, optimism, power, sterling quality, respect to elders, reputation, royalty, regality, scruples, success in worldly affairs, truth, good temperament, unadulterated love, vigour, vitality, virtue and warmth.
Afflicted Sun makes one arrogant, bluff, domineering, egotistical, faithless, vain-glorious, naughty, insulting, jealous, lavish, loquacious, over-ambitious, pompous and proud, self-opinionated, irritable angry and spiteful.
Sun generally indicates a permanent position in life. All government services, and those in such departments where there is security of service are denoted by Sun. Sun also indicates an independent business financed by the father or the business taken over from him. Sun as an indicator of profession gives access to one who deals in red or orange articles copper, gold, wheat, medicine and chemicals.
The nature of the profession will however largely depend on the combination of the Sun with other Planets. If, for example, Sun is connected with Moon. and Mercury, thenative will dealin red clothes or orange clothes as Moon and Mercury jointly indicate textiles; alternatively one may be employed with this combination in a government textile department since Sun represents government whereas Moon and Mercury denote textiles. If Sun has any connection with Moon and Venus, the native may deal in red or orange paints or the native may serve in a transport or shipping department. If Mars and Mercury are connected with Sun in any manner, the native may be a military engineer or he may deal in brick kilos or serve in Government Press as Mars and Mercury indicate press or mechanical or military engineering, etc. Sun, Mars and Venus promise service as Venus stands for vehicular traffic and transport, and Mars police in traffic department. Those who deal in rose flowers will be infuenced by these three planets because Venus is for flowers, Mars shows his possession of landed property and red colour and Sun indicates thorny plants. Sun having a relation with Saturday suggests that one will dea) in woollen goods as Saturn also denotes hair.
For people who enter into the medical services as indicated by Sun, the following combinations of planets will indicate the exact nature of their specialisation. Sun with Jupiter produces good physicians and Mercury gives intuition and helps to diagnose correctly. Sun receiving beneficial aspects from Mars brings out able surgeons, as Mars indicates use of sharp instruments. Sun, Venus and Jupiter help specialisation in Maternity, since Sun denotes medicine, Venus women and Jupiter the chief governor for children. If Venus receives aspects from the active and bold Mars and the secretive Saturn and conjoined with Sun, the person will be an expert in venereal diseases. If Sun, Venus and Saturn are mutually connected, the person will specialise in skin diseases as Saturn Spcils the beauty given by Venus. Sun and Venus devoid of other planets’ influence occupying the sixth or the eighth house show that he will be an optician. Sun and Saturn in the Ascendant or in the 8th house indicate that one will eam as a dentist.
In one’s chart the Ascendant shows the native and the 7th house indicates the patient whom he treats. If the 2nd and the 12th houses are spoiled, one has eye defect or disease. So the 2nd and the 12th houses from the 7th is the 8th and the 6th houses counted from the Ascendant. Therefore the planets Sun and Venus in 6 and 8 in the medical officer’s chart shows that he will attend on people suffering from eye diseases.
One suffers from tooth-ache only when the 2nd and the 7th houses are afflicted. Therefore the 2nd and the 7th houses counted from the 7th house representing the patient are the 8th and the Ascendant of the doctor. Hence dentists will have Sun and Saturn having connection with these two houses. Further, Saturn rules the osseous system, bones, enamel, etc.
Sun and Mercury in the 9th or the 5th house indicate that the native will be an expert in Ear, Nose and Throat diseases as the houses three and eleven denote ear and throat.
If Rahu, Shukra, Sun, Uranus and the lord of the 9th house are in any manner connected with each other, the medical man will specialise in X ‘ray. If Uranus has connection only with the Sun, the native will serve in the medical research department. Generally Sun and Jupiter having connection with Virgo or Kanni, Scorpio or Vrischika shows service in the Public Health department, whereas Mars shows that in the medical department.
Similarly if one takes to the other departments of the government, for example, Law, then Jupiter with Sun and Mercury indicates Civil Law, whereas Mars indicates Criminal Law To find out one’s profession exactly, a deep study is necessary. Political Sun denotes administrators, kings, dictators, royal leaders, heads of departments, and people in authority and power.
The products represented by Sun include red variety in rice, myrobalams, groundnut, coconut, asafoetida, cardamom, almonds, chillies, omum (Ajwan), pepper, milagu, pine, lavendar, nut meg, aromatic herbs, saffron, pearls, corals, etc. Market Government Loans, Gold bonds, Giltedged securities, Gold, its price and control, Reserve Bank, Stock Exchange, Foreign Exchange and Currency, Trade Associations recognised by Govern ment, Chambers of Commerce, etc.
Plants and Herbs
Thorny trees, grass, timber, Saffron, Laurel, Orange trees, Anise, Cedar, Almond Vervain, Chamomile, Lavender, Rue, Rosemary Mary-gold and medicinal herbs.
Forests, Mountains, Shiva temples, Fortress, Government buildings, Public offices-Destrier Boards, Panchayat Unions, etc., Sourashtra country in India.
Animals and Birds
Lion, Horse, Boar, Serpent Cattle and other quadrupeds in the forest. All singing birds, nightingale, swan.
Sun is the lord of Sunday. Whenever one runs a period ruled by Sun, he can expect the results on a Sunday ruled by Sun or at the time when Leo or Simha Lagna owned by Sun rises in the east or on the days when Moon transits in the stars or nakshatraras, Karthigai, Uttara Phalguni and Utbrusbada, governed by Sun.
Precious Stones
Diamond and ruby. If Sun is weak or afflicted, one can use metal gold and the stones diamond and ruby set in it. Those who suffer from heart trouble, eye diseases or those who want security in service or power in government, or favour from the high government officials, they can use the above gems to enjoy health and success. They will be able to realise their ambition.
साभार : एस्ट्रोलॉजी एंड अथरिष्टा