Home Astronomy How to calculate Rahukaal?

How to calculate Rahukaal?

How to calculate Rahukaal

You can calculate rahukal by yourself. With this technique you will be able to find instantly that time is under rahukal influence or not.

Rahukaal is also spelled as Rahukalam, Rahu kaal, Raukaal, Raahu kal, Raahu kaal, or Rahu kalam. The period of Rahu is a certain period of time every day that is considered inauspicious for any new venture according to Indian Vedic astrology.

In sanatan belief, Rahu Kaal is one of the 8 segments of the day and considered inauspicious period according to Indian astrology due to its association with malefic, Rahu. The segments are calculated by taking the total time between sunrise and sunset, at a given place, and then dividing this time duration by 8.

Astronomically in the Hindu Panchang Panchangas, the ever varying planetary configurations mean that the auspicious hours during each day will not always fall at the same moment of time. Rahu kaal (Raahukaala), Yamagandakaala (Yama Ghantam) and Vishaghati are the time periods which are especially considered inauspicious or unlucky (Ashubh).

The planets according to vedic astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Rahukaal (Raahukaala) and Gulikakaal (Gulikakaala) are calculated based on these planets.

Even though Rahu and Ketu are not physical bodies, they are sensitive points on the intersection of the ecliptic (the apparent path of motion of the Sun) by the Moon’s orbit. Rahu is the northern point and Ketu is the southern point. Vedic astrologers felt that the mighty Rahu and Ketu have the strength to obscure the sun, thus causing a solar eclipse.

Hence it is considered inauspicious to begin any undertaking during this “Rahukaal”. Every day this Rahukaal lasts for around 90 minutes, but the duration differs according to the length of the time between sunrise to sunset.

To calculate Rahukaal, the time between the sunrise and sunset is divided into 8 units or time-groups, which time-group will have the Rahukaal depends on the weekday. For each weekday, Rahukaal falls as under:-

  1. Sunday – 8th Muhurt (Unit)
  2. Monday – 2nd Muhurt
  3. Tuesday – 7th Muhurt
  4. Wednesday – 5th Muhurt
  5. Thursday – 6th Muhurt
  6. Friday – 4th Muhurt
  7. Saturday – 3rd Muhurt

Rahukaal mnemonics

The timespan of Rahukaal varies each day and needs to be calculated as per the sunrise and sunset time. The times below can be used in absence of access to accurate Rahukaal. These times are accurate only if the daylight lasts for 12 hours, and the sunrise is at 6.00 AM. For longer or shorter days, the times need to be adjusted. The mnemonic phrase is

“7.30am Mother Saw Father Wearing The Turban Suddenly”

Decode as…

  1. Mother = Monday (7.30-9.00)
  2. Saw = Saturday (9.00-10.30)
  3. Father = Friday (10.30-12.00)
  4. Wearing = Wednesday (12.00-13.30)
  5. The = Thursday (13.30-15.00)
  6. Turban = Tuesday (15.00-16.30)
  7. Suddenly = Sunday (16.30-18.00)

This is how you can find weather it is rahukal or not. If calculation result shows time near to rahukal then calculate local sunrise and sunset time and get perfact timing of rahukal and act accordingly. You will notice that you will be lucky enough to get more aupicious result by avoiding rahukaal.

Approximate time for rahukal, Gulika and yamaghata for a given day

DayRahu KalGulikaYamaghanta
Sunday04:30 PM to 06:00 PM03:00 PM to 04:30 PM12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Monday07:30 AM to 09:00 AM01:30 PM to 03:00 PM10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Tuesday03:00 PM to 04:30 PM12:00 PM TO 01:30 PM09:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Wednesday12:00 PM to 01:30 PM10:30 AM to 12:00 PM07:30 AM to 09:00 AM
Thursday01:30 PM to 03:00 PM09:00 AM to 10:30 AM06:00 AM to 07:30 AM
Friday10:30 AM to 12:00 PM07:30 AM to 09:00 AM03:00 PM to 04:30 PM
Saturday09:00 AM to 10:30 AM06:00 AM to 07:30 AM01:30 PM to 03:00 PM


राहु संबंधी अन्‍य लेख

राहुु की महादशा या अन्तर्दशा मे आने वाली नौकरी, रोजगार, व्यवसाय, परिवार, रिलेशनशिप, लव अफेयर, संतान, धन, विदेश यात्रा, कानूनी परेशानियाँ, शत्रु, षड्यंत्र आदि से संबन्धित समस्याओं के, आपकी जन्मपत्री के विश्लेषण के आधार पर समाधान व उपचार प्राप्त करने हेतु संपर्क करें।

Contact for the solutions and remedies on the basis of detailed analysis of your horoscope for various problems related to job, employment, business, family, relationships, love affair, progeny, money, wealth, foreign tour, legal problems, enemy, conspiracy etc during Rahu Mahadasha or Antardasha.

अगर आपकी राहु की महादशा चल रही है और आप मुझसे कुण्‍डली विश्‍लेषण (Horoscope Analysis) कराना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आप हमारी दो प्रकार की सर्विस में से किसी एक सर्विस को ले सकते हैं। सामान्‍य टेलिफोनिक विश्‍लेषण के लिए 2100 रुपए जमा कराएं और एनालिसिस रिपोर्ट लेने के लिए 11000 रुपए जमा कराएं। आप हमारी वार्षिक विश्‍लेषण की सेवा भी ले सकते हैं, आगामी एक वर्ष के विश्‍लेषण के लिए आपको 5100 रुपए जमा कराने होते हैं।